Sexual Health Services

Our team of qualified pharmacists provide judgement free treatments and professional advice for any issues relating to sexual health.

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Female Sexual Health Services

Whether it’s discussing contraception, testing for STDs or seeking support for concerns related to sexual issues, our professionals can give you the peace of mind you need to move forward in life confidently.

Period Pain

Period Delay

Oral Contraceptives

Emergency Hormonal Contraceptive

What Is It?

Period Pains (primary dysmenorrhea) can be one of the most disruptive effects that women experience on a monthly basis. It can range anywhere from mild to severe, affecting daily life and even leading to physical exhaustion and emotional distress. It can limit physical activities such as exercise, leading to poor physical health, while headaches and fatigue that often accompany menstrual cycles can also lead to poorer mental health for many women. Between 40-60% of women report having period pains regularly, indicating how many different forms it can take and how much this issue is impacting people’s lives around the world. To help ease the pain, we can prescribe medication.

What medication can we provide?

We can provide Naproxen 250mg tablets suitable for women aged between 18-65.

How does it work?

This medication is specifically designed to block chemicals in the body responsible for sending pain signals to the brain, thus reducing period-related discomfort. Additionally, this medicine also works by decreasing hormones that cause inflammation, thereby further relieving some common symptoms associated with periods such as cramping and bloating. With its long-acting effects, Naproxen can provide relief for up to 12 hours or longer.

What is it?

Having a period at inopportune times can be a significant source of stress and discomfort for women, particularly during major life events. We can provide medication that can temporarily postpone menstruation so you can rest assured that your periods will not be a source of concern for you. This option allows you more freedom to make plans and live your life without having to constantly factor in your menstruation cycle.

What medication can we provide?

We can provide Norethisterone 5mg Tablets suitable for females 16 years and over.

What Is It?

Oral contraceptives are an important form of birth control for those seeking to avoid an unplanned pregnancy. Here at our centre, we provide oral contraception to individuals who have been prescribed the medicine within the last 6 months, and have been using that same brand for a year or longer. Our goal is to support individuals in making safe and informed decisions about their reproductive health while providing access to affordable contraception options.

How does it work?

Oral contraceptives provide hormonal medication that can stop ovulation, prevent sperm from entering the uterus, or thicken cervical mucus – all of which help to prevent conception.

Which contraceptives can we provide?

We can provide Desogestrel 75mcg, Levonorgestrel 30mcg, Norethisterone 350mcg or the combined oral contraceptive pill e.g Microgynon amongst others. Suitable for those aged 16-49

What is it?

Emergency hormonal contraception often called the “morning-after pill” or Levonell, is a safe and effective way for women to prevent pregnancy following unprotected intercourse. It is important to take emergency contraceptive pills within 72 hours of unprotected sex in order to maximize their efficiency. When used correctly, emergency hormonal contraception can provide reliable protection against unwanted pregnancy.

How does it work?

EHC is made up of progestin-only hormones which essentially prevent ovulation and make it more difficult for a fertilized egg to implant in the uterus. The effectiveness rate is quite high, however, it should not be used regularly as a form of birth control due to potential side effects like nausea, breast tenderness and bleeding between periods. That being said, EHC can provide peace of mind when needed quickly in emergency situations.

Male Sexual Health Services

Men’s sexual health concerns can be complex and difficult to deal with, but we are here to provide assistance in an empathetic and discrete environment.We offer up-to-date information on treatments, products, and education related to male sexual health problems.

Erectile Dysfunction

Premature Ejaculation

What is it?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a medical condition in which a man cannot achieve or sustain an erection, and it can greatly reduce one’s quality of life. Thankfully, our pharmacists are here to help! We provide the latest medications that can assist with ED so that those affected can enjoy their intimacy with someone special. All you need to do is come in for a consultation and get the medication appropriate for your needs.

What medications can we provide?

For those aged 18 – 75 we can provide Sildenafil (Viagra), Tadalafil (Cialis), Vardenafil, or Avanafil to help treat Erectile Dysfunction.

How does it work?

The medication works by increasing blood flow to the penis, resulting in an increase in firmness during arousal. Depending on your medical history and other health factors, treatment for ED may vary from person to person. It’s important to keep an open dialogue with your pharmacist so they can determine which mediation package is best suited for your needs.

What is it?

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a real and problematic issue for many men. It is described as an ejaculatory time of less than two minutes or recurrent, persistent ejaculation with minimal to no sexual stimulation. The effects of PE can be psychological in nature, leaving men feeling a sense of shame, inadequacy and frustration which can cause overall decreases in quality of life. The physical implications are not usually so damaging in comparison but they can still leave men feeling unsatisfied, overexerted or anxious before or during sex. Fortunately, medical treatments are also available in order to restore the normal balance between sensations at the climax during sexual intercourse.

What medication can we provide?

We can provide Priligy tablets (Dapoxetine) to be taken before expected sexual intercourse suitable for men aged between 18-64.

Unisex Sexual Health Concerns

Our sexual health services provide individuals with access to free and confidential advice from qualified pharmacists.

All of our team members are highly trained, specialised professionals who are here to provide advice and treatment for your sexual health concerns. Get in touch to speak to our pharmacists for more information or to arrange for collection of your required medication.


Chlamydia is a very common sexually transmitted infection (STI) that many people don’t know they have. It can often be asymptomatic, meaning some people won’t experience any symptoms at all.

However, those that present with symptoms may notice an unusual discharge from the vagina or penis, and pain when peeing. Chlamydia is mainly passed on through unprotected vaginal, anal, and oral sex. If you have tested positive on a reliable chlamydia test kit, we can provide medication to help treat you.

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Human Papillomavirus

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the name of a very common group of viruses. They do not cause any problems in most people, but some types can cause genital warts or cancer. We can provide vaccines that prevent the infection of vulnerable patients to HPV.

The types of HPV covered by the vaccine are premalignant genital lesions, premalignant anal lesions, cervical cancers, anal cancers and genital warts.

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Thrush is a common yeast infection that affects men and women. It’s usually harmless but it can be uncomfortable and keep coming back if untreated. It can affect the vagina, penis and skin. Symptoms of thrush depend on where it is on the body. It usually causes itchiness, irritation and a white discharge that looks like cottage cheese.

It is important to note that you’re more likely to get thrush if your skin is irritated or damaged, you’re taking antibiotics, or you have poorly controlled diabetes.

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Committed To Keeping Our Customers Happy

★ 4.9 on Google

I wanted to use a testing service within the Preston area in case we needed to visit the clinic for any testing pre or post our travel to Portugal. As it turned out, that wasn’t necessary, we did all testing remotely. This amazing company went above and beyond in getting us tested at Liverpool airport on a Sunday evening so that we made our flight.

A very personal service, giving clear instructions, prompt responses to questions and making a complex process for travel relatively simple. Thank you, highly recommended!

My partner and I purchased testing kits to take with us on our recent holiday to Spain we ordered them online and they arrived the next day. The instructions were easy to follow and we received our certificates via email straightaway when we did the test in Spain. We also had excellent advice via the chat line before our holiday and all our questions were answered.

The day 2 test which we chose to do in the clinic (if you choose you can do this at home also ) was also very straightforward and carried out by a very pleasant young man!

An excellent service we would highly recommend Longridge Travel Health Clinic!.

Great friendly service. We picked up our fit-to-travel tests from the clinic and bought them to France. Sent across the videos and photos first thing this morning and it must have only been an hour or so before our fit to fly certificates were emailed back. We also have our Day 2 tests booked with the clinic. Very friendly and helpful. Will definitely use again if required. Highly recommend them.

Very efficient and knowledgeable staff on requirements for my destination country. Really good customer communication and care. Thank you!

This is the second occasion we have used the services of Longridge and both in times of changing rules. They refunded where appropriate without our asking. As a company, it really is the best and their representative, Lauren, is so polite, reliable and speedy.

Great service, quick & efficient, will use again.

Excellent service.

Jamil has been great! Couldn’t recommend this service enough! Thank you so much!!

Fit to Fly Certificate PCR test results are obtained quickly.

Great service, helpful, quick and efficient!

Excellent service.

Very efficient. Got our appointment straight away, no hassle, no fuss .

Prompt appointment and efficiency throughout.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Qualified Pharmacists
  • Flexible Appointments
  • Top Customer Service

Erectile dysfunction is when you are either unable to get an erection or keep an erection long enough to have sex. It is common for most men to experience this at some point in their lives, particularly in men over 40. It is usually caused by stress, tiredness, drinking too much alcohol or as a side effect of some medicines.

However, you should seek treatment if the problem keeps happening as it may be a sign of a health condition that can be treated. This is when having a consultation with one of our qualified pharmacists will be beneficial as we can provide the same treatment and medication your doctor can provide – but without the difficulties in getting an appointment and with short notice appointments available.

Delaying periods with medication can be a great option for women who have hectic or important schedules that they need to stick to. From weddings and beach vacations to important exams and business trips, our clinic can provide the medication you need to delay your period without sacrificing your plans.

Norethisterone is tailored specifically for you with expert guidance from our knowledgeable staff and comes at an affordable price. Our clinic also provides complete consultation on delayed-period medications to ensure that they are used safely and appropriately.

Most local sexual health clinics will offer free and reliable chlamydia test kits for both males and females. If you are unsure whether you have contracted chlamydia then it is always best to get tested to avoid delay in treatment and minimise the risk of spreading it. Some online providers also provide reliable test kits which require payment and vary in price. Although there is no shame in having chlamydia and healthcare professionals will always offer judgement-free care, private test kits that can be ordered online are a great way for discreet testing.

Generally speaking, one-off use of the morning after pill will not cause any serious or long-term side effects. However, it can cause:

  • Headaches
  • Stomach pain
  • Make your next period earlier, later, or more painful than usual
  • Vomiting – if this occurs then contact us as you may need another dose if you are sick within 2-3 hours of taking the medication

If your symptoms don’t go away after a few days then it is important to see your doctor.

Get In Touch Today

We know that sometimes discussing sexually transmitted diseases, contraception and other sensitive topics can be embarrassing, so our pharmacists are trained in making sure you feel comfortable as well as providing a high level of care. By relying on us for an accurate diagnosis and a tailored treatment plan, you can rest assured knowing that your sexual health is in the hands of experts.

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